Why you are an air pollution genius!

January 25, 2023

The FilterQueen Defender Filters 0.1 Micron vs. 0.3 Micron HEPA Filtration…

Why it matters and why you are a genius for choosing the FilterQueen Defender


Why you are an air pollution genius! - FilterQueen Canada


Air quality is an important aspect of our daily lives, and it is essential that we take steps to ensure that the air we breathe is as clean as possible. One of the most effective ways to improve air quality is through the use of air filters, which can remove various types of pollutants from the air. When it comes to air filters, one of the key considerations is the size of the particles that the filter is able to remove. In this regard, it is clear that filtering air to 0.1 micron is superior to filtering air to 0.3 micron.

The first reason why filtering air to 0.1 micron is better is because it removes smaller particles from the air. Particles that are 0.1 micron or smaller, such as bacteria and viruses, can be dangerous to human health, and removing them from the air can help prevent the spread of disease. These particles are particularly dangerous to people who have compromised immune systems, such as the elderly and those who suffer from chronic respiratory conditions. Additionally, smaller particles can be more easily inhaled into the lungs, where they can cause respiratory problems. By filtering the air to 0.1 micron, it is possible to remove these smaller particles and improve the overall air quality.

Another reason why filtering air to 0.1 micron is superior is that it is more efficient at removing pollutants from the air. Smaller particles are harder to filter out, so by targeting a smaller micron size the filter is more efficient and the air is cleaner. When air is filtered to 0.3 micron, many smaller particles will pass through the filter, whereas when air is filtered to 0.1 micron, nearly all of these particles will be removed. This means that when air is filtered to 0.1 micron, the air will be much cleaner and healthier to breathe.

Moreover, filtering air to 0.1 micron is better in terms of energy efficiency. The smaller the micron size, the more difficult it is to filter, which means that filters that target a smaller micron size will typically require more energy to operate. However, because they are more efficient at removing pollutants from the air, they will ultimately use less energy over time. This is because the filter will not need to be changed as often, and it will not need to work as hard to clean the air.

In addition, targeting a smaller micron size also means that the filter will last longer. Because smaller particles are harder to filter out, filters that target a smaller micron size will typically last longer before needing to be replaced. This is because they will not become clogged as quickly, and they will not need to be cleaned as often. This ultimately results in cost savings over time, as the filter will not need to be replaced as frequently.

Furthermore, the world is increasingly becoming a global village, and with increasing travel, the risk of disease transmission also increases. The COVID-19 pandemic is a perfect example of how a virus can spread rapidly across the globe. Filtering air to 0.1 micron is better in this regards as it can help in reducing the spread of airborne viruses. By removing the smallest particles, including bacteria and viruses, from the air, it can help to prevent the spread of disease, both within a facility and in the community at large.

In conclusion, it is clear that filtering air to 0.1 micron is better than filtering air to 0.3 micron. Not only does it remove smaller particles from the air, which can be dangerous to human health, but it is also more efficient at removing pollutants from the air. Additionally, it is more energy efficient, it lasts longer and can help in reducing the spread of airborne viruses. 
